Over 40, Fit and Lean Lifestyle Podcast with Karen McCoy
Creating a successful and sustainable Body Transformation for life! We are living strong, lean, and healthy at 40, 50, 60+! We are re-defining ageing and it looks and feels AMAZING!
Over 40, Fit and Lean Lifestyle Podcast with Karen McCoy
Is age just a Number? NO! Being 40+ requires a different strategy all together.
Is age just a number? No Ma'am! It RULES. And the Wise Woman knows this truth. Training changes as you age, so age is NOT just a number.
We need to change our training and food after 40. And our sleep, supplements and recovery need a different approach also.
In this video, I share with you how I moved through my 40's, 50's and now 60's and some of my age-related wisdom that I've learned over the years, in the hopes that it will support YOU in your fitness and wellness goals and in supporting you to Age Gracefully. XO!
Are you STUCK? Wanting to learn how to TRULY master this Body Transformation world at 40, 50, 60+? Let's CHAT.........
📞 Book a complimentary coaching call with Karen, and create your own Best Body after 40! https://warriorwomanfitness.com/apply :)
Get lean, strong, shapely at ANY age!