Over 40, Fit and Lean Lifestyle Podcast with Karen McCoy
Creating a successful and sustainable Body Transformation for life! We are living strong, lean, and healthy at 40, 50, 60+! We are re-defining ageing and it looks and feels AMAZING!
Over 40, Fit and Lean Lifestyle Podcast with Karen McCoy
Meals over Macro's: the only way to Intuitive Eating
Karen McCoy
Macro counting is all the rage, but fitness enthusiasts are starting to understand that it is not about the exact numbers, rather, it's about the feeding...or how many meals.
Yes, the meals have to be of high quality carbs, protein and fat, BUT....we don't eat numbers, right?
And over focus on numbers creates and feeds 'the illusion of control.'
Us women want to move into Intuitive Eating...FOOD FREEDOM, as I call it.
XO! Coach Karen.
Get lean, strong, shapely at ANY age!