Over 40, Fit and Lean Lifestyle Podcast with Karen McCoy
Creating a successful and sustainable Body Transformation for life! We are living strong, lean, and healthy at 40, 50, 60+! We are re-defining ageing and it looks and feels AMAZING!
Over 40, Fit and Lean Lifestyle Podcast with Karen McCoy
How to stay MOTIVATED to train!
Ah yes...motivation is the name of the game when it comes to living lean, healthy, strong...and we all falter with this at some point in the journey.
But how do some women stay on track, while others struggle so much with this much-needed factor in our life?
It's really about defining your goals, and digging into Who you Want to Become...and a few lessons I learned from some key people when I was young. XO!
📞 Book a complimentary coaching call with Karen, and create your own Best Body after 40! https://warriorwomanfitness.com/apply
Get lean, strong, shapely at ANY age!